The Doraemon of Portcities: Meet Giao Nguyen

Meet Giao Nguyen, our multi-talented Content Marketing whiz! From web design to data analysis, she's Portcities' Marketing Department's secret weapon. Learn her story!

At Portcities, we thrive on the diverse talents of its employees. And when it comes to multi-talented team members, Giao Nguyen, affectionately known as "Doraemon," stands out as a true Swiss Army knife for the Marketing Department. 

With her versatile skills ranging from website development, SEO, and content strategizing to OKR management (among other things), Giao has become an indispensable asset, consistently delivering impactful solutions and fostering a culture of helpfulness within the company.

Check out the following interview with our marketing specialist!

Initiation to Marketing and Expertise Wizardry Development 

Answering this question, she started with a quote, “You don't choose the job, the job chooses you”. 

Giao started her career as a humble intern for both sales and marketing before becoming an official marketing expert for Portcities. The more she involves herself in marketing, the more she wants to thrive in the field. 

Now, years later, she is passionately tinkering with our website and conducting SEO analysis for the company. To her, it is an empowering experience to be one of the factors behind a company’s presence in the digital realm.

“They fit me the most because I can keep exploring my creativity and passion in several ways, such as content, visualization, and technical skills.”

Having developed her skills from her first days in marketing, Giao shared her proudest work for Portcities, “It has to be the website improvement project I managed and supervised by Gaspard, our CEO.”

She listed it as one of her first big projects involving different phases. It’s also the most complex one that needs her to work with various departments such as developers, sales, and marketing. 

She proudly shared that even when sometimes mistakes were unavoidable, they were outweighed by the significant improvements that were made by her hard work. She even got to enjoy seeing unified strategies across departments following her directives!

Learning Odoo at Hyperspeed 

Giao de Portcities

As an Odoo implementation company, it is only natural we ask her how she learned Odoo.

She shared that it was helpful that Portcities use Odoo all around. Simply put, she is learning by doing. 

As for the other functions we don't utilize in-house, she uses the opportunity to ask as a networking opportunity with different colleagues from various Portcities branches across the globe! 

Odoo also provides a lot of tutorials and demo environments to get some practice, which helps her a lot when building content for the Portcities website. But this hunger to learn does not stem from a selfish desire. 

Giao Nguyen

“Most days, I work on our website, which provides information on Odoo applicabilities, modules, and implementation services. That’s why it is important for me to be knowledgeable about Odoo modules and their features so our website visitors can learn more about the product before implementing it in their own company.”

Giao Nguyen • Marketing Specialist at Portcities

Helping Others as a Hobby

For our young expert, her motivation to help others is the common good. “Team support is crucial because we cannot work alone, especially marketing in the IT industry.” 

True to her words, Giao helped countless others including our content writers. Writing ERP for the first time can be a daunting task simply because it is a very specific and technical niche. But Giao’s explanation and tutorial on navigating Odoo in general made the concept simpler and easier to grasp.

While talking about helping others, she opened up about her own mindset when it comes to sharing. “It’s simple. I just share what I know and my ideas.” 

Luckily, most Portcitizens either shared her ideals or got inspired by her willingness to share. Because of people like Giao, Portcities not only become a good place to work but also to develop your skills. 

”Before SEO became a part of my job description, I learned a lot from people around me. Now, I know a lot of helpful SEO tools and how to do deep data analysis in Google Search Console. All thanks to not shying away from asking my colleagues.”

To Giao, Portcities created a space where people are free and encouraged to share their ideas and feedback with the team. “Working means you contribute and develop yourself, which I get to experience working here”. It is one of the critical factors she looks for in a workplace. 

Advice on SEO and Getting into Marketing

Her eyes lit up when asked if she had any advice for companies looking to boost their SEO and sales strategy. She listed a step-by-step you could try to improve do just that:

  1. Set a big goal for the fiscal year and divide it into milestones
  2. Use OKR to measure the performance of your marketing activities
  3. Define your SEO, sales, or marketing strategy
  4. Analysis of traffic acquisition and conversion in GA4 is fundamental for website optimization
  5. Use GA4 to define which channels are your potential pools in terms of lead conversion and quality. Then, use the data to plan how to enhance your website performance. 
  6. Specifically for SEO, you may use extra tools for deeper analysis, such as Google Search Console and SEO tools like SEMRush or any other SEO tools that can provide optimized results based on regional market behaviors and language.

For aspiring marketing professionals seeking to develop a diverse skillset, Giao offers valuable advice: "Don't be afraid to try and ask; we make more power and success when we have a team with ideas and creativity. Keep in mind that time management and planning skills are important to keep improving and prevent ourselves from getting overwhelmed.”

If you possess a similar drive for growth, a passion for marketing, and a commitment to teamwork, consider joining the Portcities family.  

The company is always on the lookout for talented individuals who can bring their unique perspectives and skillsets to the table, contributing to a vibrant and collaborative workplace. Visit our careers page to explore current opportunities and become part of a team that values diversity, helpfulness, and excellence.

The Doraemon of Portcities: Meet Giao Nguyen
Devina Anglingdarma April 15, 2024
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